The dog was actually happy, but it looks like he’s being strangled with love. In our house we calling that “George-ing someone” ala Bugs Bunny, “And I will love him and hug him and kiss him and he will be mine and I will call him George.”
I had escaped to the gazebo to do a little work. Jack was at my feet happily chewing the settee. The kids all trooped out with a little refreshment tray they had assembled. Lydia carried out the broiler pan with four cups and a 2 liter of ginger ale.
Eden was appalled that Christopher dared to disrespect Jack in this picture.
Here she is relishing her soda.
Jack trying to figure out how he can get back down to the floor and resume chewing on the wicker.
Wow…that last picture of Christopher really shows how much Eden and he look alike. I had not noticed it so much before.
Hey…btw…is your phone off the hook? I tried to call you a couple of times today, and I’m getting the old busy signal.
I’m thinking of going to a magazine article writing club at Barnes & Noble tonight at 7:00, wondering if you’re interested in going. Give me a ring if you are…
The magazine article writing group was a dud. Didn’t even mention I was there for the group. I think two people were there, waiting for something to happen. Very bizarre.
The viburnum is still going strong…you gotta get yourself some.
The Meijer Gardens sale is the 11th and 12th, this weekend, and I think if you have a membership, you can go a day early. Are you planning on going? I’d like to go on Thursday, to get some Trillium, if I can. I teach in the morning at Calvin, and I’m done at around 9:30. They open their doors at 9:00. Wanna meet over there on Thursday morning? Your mom wanted to know when it was happening too.
“George” as a verb. I like it.