Kids, if one of you would come over here and neducate my children while juggling the Bean and Handsome Jack, that would be great. I awoke at 2 a.m. again and began to finally drift back to sleep around 5;30 when Eden started shouting, “Is it morning time?” She had misplaced Pinkie in her sleep and came out of the depths in her searching to hear birds chirping. I climbed into bed with her and the next hour and a half was a torturous medley of questions about Jesus, prayers, plans for an all female family member sleep over, pleadings for milk and concerns for Jack.
Around 7:00 I kicked her out to go get Paul who sent her right back. I repelled her again and Paul awoke enough to realize that if I was trying to crash in Eden’s room that could only mean I had taken a bullet for him. This didn’t keep Eden out though, she kept returning with more news and notes. Finally I told her not to come back without a cup of coffee.
She returned almost immediately. I opened one eye. “How many spoons of sugar do you like?”
The next time I rolled over, Paul was there with the actual cup.
Let the healing begin.
Ugh. Sorry.
I hate low energy, really hate it. The day was good, but everything is so much more challenging when I am dragging.