Three wondrous things that Christopher said this week:
1. “Mom, thank you for teaching me to talk and read.” (Tuesday, while sitting in the gazebo doing math.)
2. “Thanks for homeschooling me, Mom.” (Thursday, while walking to put away a book.)
3. “My mother, who works so hard for me and does so many things that I forget to thank her for, and to whom I promise to do whatever chores need to be done and I won’t even whine.”
(Thursday afternoon while sitting at the island reading his MUSE magazine. He was answering the question in a money quiz: “If I were designing a new dollar bill and could put a portrait on it, I would choose…
a. My dog.
b. My hamster.
c. My mother, who works so hard…
d. Me.
e. Oh, all RIGHT. My Mother.
He had circled “d”, only to erase it and circle “c”, he later erased that and finally settled on “a”, which I can’t dispute.)
ali says
that #3 almost made my heart burst.
Barbie says
Wait, I’m so excited… you’re a homeschooling mom TOO?? Nathan wasn’t lying, I think we have everyhing in common.