We bought Eden a bike yesterday. Tonight, after dinner, she was trying to ride it around the driveway. She looked so cute and big-eyed it seemed worth it to go inside, grab my Mac and take her picture. This is her waving to her fantastic self.
You might think it is just a matter of lifting the laptop and and clicking on the “mouse” (what’s it called?) but it’s not. The sun was shining, my subject was moving and it was pretty stinking challenging getting my subject in the frame and not myself.
I love the way she’s getting down and checking things out.
And yes, for those who care about such things, I will be buying another digital camera, Monday.
i knew it. the color balance on the 1st and then you in the second pic. sealed it. thank God you guys home school. i’d hate to see you at your kid’s play with that laptop.
On Easter Torey and David were weighing their camera options: digital video/digital photo, when Paul suggested, in a very snarky voice, “Alison could use her laptop.”
I made the obligatory, “Har Har!” but David was taken by it and thought I could start something among Mac users, all of us carrying it face out and open on a cord around our necks.