That’s right, the Bean has now added a gunky eye to the repertoire, as if coughing, snivelling and waking in the middle of the night screaming wasn’t enough. And then she complained that her ear hurts when she swallows.
We’re going to the doctor tomorrow.
But for now, it’s bed.
Yikes! I just glanced at your forecast. That looks nasty! Are you stocked up on hot chocolate?
So sorry about all the sickness at your house. When it rains it pours, huh?
Or looking at your forecast, when it snows, it blows.
Will you be taking a snow day if all the schools are closed Monday? Or do your schools ever close for snow?
I have been envious to see all the weather-related school closures in our blogging community–North Carolina, Virginia, Washington and Oregon. Scott L. gets two to four inches overnight and school is closed.
We had two to four inches fall three times this week. Nothing. In fact, in the nearly three years we’ve lived here, our schools have never closed for snow or ice. I suppose I wouldn’t want to see the weather that it would take to close schools here.