Sorry about leaving that curmudgeony post up for so long. If I had files it would join so many others under the headings, “Monday” “PMS” “overcast” “tired”. That’s a little epiphany for me, an opening for grace.
Last year I started charting the really hard days with the kids and invariably they fell on an overcast day, right before my period, when Paul was out of the country – the basic ingredients of a Sad Oprah.
Once I noticed all the things that were contributing I was able take some precautions. At times, simply recognizing that all these things were at play gave me grace. This awareness helped me to interrupt the knee jerk judgments.
I am trying to get to the point where I simply acknowledge what is and then decide what I want to do about it.
It is grey again, the kids are hyper and fractious, it is the last day of school and I am tired from staying up late at a wonderful party but I don’t feel all het up. I am thankful I get to be the one to love and correct, to teach and to guide.
That’s what I am going to go do now.
Merry Christmas, friend.
I will pray for sunshine in your soul.
Some in the sky would be nice, too.
Hi Alison,
You have a fever, and the prescription is more cowbell. Oh wait…sorry, wrong prescription. You need to order a movie on Netflix, to have on days such as this, to be able to watch a half hour, or even ten minutes of the promise of summer. I have had a movie on my queue for about a year, and I kept moving movies ahead of it, but somehow this past week it slipped past all the others and arrived at my doorstep. It’s a two-sided DVD called “Gardens of the World,” hosted by Audrey Hepburn.
As I watched the first episode, and listened to the classiest woman Hollywood has ever produced discuss the joys of gardening, I thought that you needed to see this. Her delivery is incredibly soothing, and the gardens she visits are spectacular. It really caused me to forget the dreariness of Michigan for at least a little bit.
I think you’d love it.
Thanks Sherry and Dan.