I think we all have them in our lives; the people who say and do awkward things, the ones who cause us to smack our foreheads in wonder and say, “What could s/he possibly be thinking?” Often we are related or connected by law to these people.
You might be someone’s strange people.
Tomorrow many of us will sit down and pull our chairs in carefully, taking care not to knock knees with the strange person across from us. As you look up to meet his or her gaze I would encourage you to pray for eyes of compassion and mercy, eyes of grace and love, pray for eyes of gentleness and peace.
And perhaps this person will be praying the same as he or she looks back at you.
Well, the good thing at Thanksgiving is that even though there are strange people lurking around, there’s always going to be pie…even if it wasn’t made with the help of a pie making friend.
I desire for you to soar, on eagle’s wings–get out of the nest. I had to say no…for your benefit.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Little Eaglets get fed and grow a bit before they are thrown out of the nest. And the first time they fly I don’t think they go it alone.
I’m going to Jan!
Question: As the delete key on an Apple is a PC backspace, is there the equivalent of a delete?
This is a thing of beauty.
Happy Thanksgiving.