I love my mom’s G4 – I am so jealous. My brother bought it for her and even he said he thought about keeping it. So easy, so portable, so fast, so pretty 🙂
Just peeked at your weather forecast again. It looks wonderful!
Do NOT sit in the house and play with your new computer for the next few days. If you must play with it, do it outdoors. Laptops are by design rather portable, you know.
Hooray for the flying apple!
Good for you!
You’ll be happy…BUT…in those inevitable to be moments of frustration…call me.
I’ve got some of the tricks learned.
What’d you get?
“inevitable to be moments”
Um…does your new apple come with grammar check built in?
Sooo cool. 🙂 Welcome to the orchard.
Sorry that was kinda hokey? I won’t try again. I promise.
I’m not the brightest bulb. I read this post a number of times trying to peel away the enigma of this tiny poem.
Then I read Dan’s comments and smacked my head D’oh.
Enjoy the Mac, Alison!
The post was begging for a hokey response. I am very excited.
Sherry, Thanks. Sorry I didn’t get you called back. I went to bed early.
Dan, you are here, so I am going to chat with you live.
Scott, That is funny. No hidden depths here.
I love my mom’s G4 – I am so jealous. My brother bought it for her and even he said he thought about keeping it. So easy, so portable, so fast, so pretty 🙂
Just peeked at your weather forecast again. It looks wonderful!
Do NOT sit in the house and play with your new computer for the next few days. If you must play with it, do it outdoors. Laptops are by design rather portable, you know.
Soak up that sunshine!