Yes, my friends, we are homeschooling another year.
Day One went extremely well. We are focusing on geography this year, taking a trip around the world. Torey is auditing the class. Yesterday we took a pre-test in which we were asked to label the entire globe. Some of us complained about the quality of the maps. I won’t go into any details, just know that there is a lot of room for improvement for everyone. After the test we were all giggling as we checked the giant world map.
For my own education I think I will read my way across the continents. With the exception of Russian and a little Japanese the extent of my fiction reading has been limited to English and American writers. Does anyone know what the great Canadian novel is? (Well, I have read L.M. Montgomery, but I don’t think that’s what I am talking about) I am going to find out. If anyone has any suggestions I would gladly receive them.
As I was writing Paul came to sit beside me and then our “neighbors” followed soon after. They are discussing real estate. Now they are standing in the doorway grinning at me crazily. Does anyone wonder why I haven’t been on the blog all week?
I don’t know about great canadian novel, but Carol Shields is a famous canadian novelist with settings in Canada, and The Shipping News is set in Nova Scotia. (can’t remember author – Annie Proulx?)
Please don’t miss Gabriel Garcia Marquez when you get to South America, though Isabel Allende is wonderful. Correllis Mandolin for Italy. And I absolutely loved Umberto Eccos new one – the flame of queen…boy I am tired tonight and too lazy to go look up titles and authors. I will visit again on another day. A Fine Balance by Mistry for India – NOT to be missed.
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. Maybe not THE great Canadian novel, but certain A great Canadian novel. There are others, surprisingly enough.