It was almost 10 pm when the phone rang. Torey answered but I knew who it had to be.
She assured the caller we were fine, apologized, explained that we were trying to put four kids to bed and assured that we were fine again.
It was the front desk and one of our neighboring suites had called with a concern that everything was OK. We had been relatively quiet when the call came. That relativity is important. Giggling sheepishly we tried to determine what prompted the call.
Was it when Eden and Ren tripped and fell while running up the stairs? No one was hurt but it made a tremendous crash.
Was it when Lydia stubbed her toe on the nightstand, and fell to the ground flailing and sobbing?
C ould it have been when Christopher and Ren ran upstairs and were jumping on the bed, closely followed by David, yelling at them to stop as his laptop was on the bed too?
Or was it when Christopher was swirling around in the chair making loud monkey like sounds and Paul began to shout begging him to be quiet?
I couldn’t really say.
This is so crazy. I am so sorry. What an experience. Someday, you will all laugh about this, right?
Be proud of the gray hairs that must be popping out all over. You have earned them, my dear.
What would life be without adventure — and God’s sense of humor (and your own!)
How are things?
OK, it’ s been enough time.
Get to bloggin’ sister!