My sister and her family are moving back to Michigan from Vancouver, B.C. and are en route as I write. They are going to stay with us while they look for a house and get settled. We are planning a couple of months, at least.
Torey had been calling every day via the internet. This is great for the caller, as it is free. It is great for the recipient of the call as well if you like having everything you said echoed right back. It is especially fun when kids yell or shout near you as you get to hear that twice too.
So Torey asked, on one of her 50 calls last week, how I was doing. I asked her to specify.
“Are you doing alright about us coming?”
“Yea! I can’t wait for you to get here.”
“You’re not stressing out getting things in order?”
“Well, I’m not really getting anything in order.”
“My bathrooms are really clean, but the upstairs (one huge 55×20 ft room and their future home) is a bit of a mess.”
“Oh dear…”
We talked yesterday and she again asked how things were going.
“I’ve decided I’m going to wait for you to get here so we can sort through it together.”
“Oh that’s exactly what I’m going to want to do after packing up my whole life and driving across the country!”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun.”
They are getting here Tuesday or Wednesday. Please pray that they are safe and the ride is easy, especially for their two year old daughter. And if you should feel so lead to pray that God would help me get all our Christmas junk, our winter gear, a bunch of toys and the school stuff ordered and put away, that would be really great too.
hmmm. i’ll be thinking of you, and praying.
hard stuff, families sharing space, but it does have it’s perks…