Saturday I was combing my hair, which is a dark brown, and noticed an unusually shiny thread.
“Is that a blond hair?” denial asked.
It was not.
Please note that this was discovered on the 11th day of my husband’s absence.
I told him about it that evening.
“Well you are 35…maybe it’s the homeschooling.”
oh, that I only had one. Em asked me yesterday why hair turns grey and I had to tell he grandma was gray by the time she was my age (36).
Yeah, it’s not the homeschooling, because I’m 35, and I don’t homeschool, but I’ve got several of the shiny hairs, too. I think it’s just the kids. Some days, I feel lucky I have any hair left!
A crown of wisdom, Alison. A crown of wisdom. That’s what I keep telling myself, at least – and it mostly works. Though I suppose it’s different for men.