1. I am alone in the house. Paul is getting the kids from his mother’s where they spent the evening while we worked on a budget.
2. I feel good because I am not terribly behind on laundry, my room is quite neat, as are the living room and kitchen – crap – forgot the dining room – the piano is a mess of little pieces of things from all over the house. Oh bother, was, going to say for #3 that there is nothing I “have ” to do and relish that.
3. Am going to go throw a load in the wash and then clear off the piano. It sounds so boring but I know it will bring peace and comfort to me and my family. It is amazing when you consider how powerfully the mundane chores of daily life shape how we feel and, in part, who we are.
Hi Ms. Alison! (Left over pad-thai.)
does it affect the timbre of the music when the piano has stuff piled on it?
Hey, arent’ these the same three things as last Thursday? : )