Last winter I was in a Bible study for which I memorized verses every week. These were good verses, powerful verses. As I memorized more and more I was struck by the things God promises us.
For example this is what 1 Corinthians 10:13 says:
“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”
What really got me was the thought that we are promised a way out without qualification. There are a lot of “therefores” in the Bible which require going back and looking at what came before that the following hinges on. There is none of that here. It is flat out, a way out so that you can stand up under whatever temptation has seized you.
Memorizing this I realized I didn’t live my life looking for the way out that God has promised to provide. In some areas it was clear I didn’t really believe it. But I wanted to. I began to wonder what would life be like if I lived it knowing I can’t do it on my own, that I need God’s amazing grace to make it every day and knowing it’s already there waiting for me.
I need it most with my kids. I am doing the most important work I can ever do, but it is wrapped in mundane, never-ending chores. Housework, laundry, the grind of making meal after meal can obscure my focus from the incredibly important recipients of my labors.
Today I was exhausted, with an aching head and no patience. The only thing I had going for me was clarity. I recognized that I was teetering on the abyss of angry and frustrated mothering. So I pulled back and cried out for help and then waited.
This is what happened: I made myself a healthy sandwich then took Tylenol, I kicked everyone outside, I let them eat any junky thing they requested, my mother-in-law came over (I had invited her hours before I was in crisis) and she swam with them while I waited for my headache to clear, we came inside and the girls watched videos while my son played on the computer. When Paul got home I went to our bedroom and took a little nap. At 7 pm I left for a meeting.
It is 10:45 and I feel good, ready to go to bed and get some good rest then start over tomorrow. Yes, it would have been lovely if I could have made it through the day, being gentle and loving with my children while providing nutritious snacks and stimulating play. I didn’t. I was gentle and loving. I was patient. I did not yell. I found the way out. Next time it might be wider. Today it was wide enough.
Thank You. I am going to keep taking You at your Word.
I really, really wish we lived closer. I still miss you, my friend. I love you.
Ditto on the living closer.
I should elaborate a little. I have been blessed to have many very good friends over the years. It is rare, however, to find someone with the same gut-level honesty, the willingness to be so transparent, the ability to not only experience real growth, but also communicate it well enough that others grow too, as a result. I’ve enjoyed watching you grow and mature over the years. I like you more all the time, it seems, and miss you more now that I can see so much more of you.
Moving away from Washington taught me many things–one of which is to gush from time to time, no sense in holding back one’s affections.
Alison, this is beautiful. God is so faithful and your dependance is both convicting and inspiring. I am glad you are feeling better. A swim with grandma will one day be a precious memory for your children. A gift inside a gift. Thank you for sharing 🙂
In a little ‘shout out’ to the coolness of kids from Michigan – here’s to Alison and Sherry. Exhortation is a gift you both have, and you use it with great effect, sense, sensitivity and humility. God bless you both.
P.S. I tried to comment on this post yesterday, but Blogger ate my words. I mentioned that I love the verse you quoted. Immediately a little song for it came into my head (learned at junior high camp — I’m not personally an inspired song writer), but I hadn’t thought of it in years. A joyful remembrance! Thanks!
Sherry, MrsFish and KMJ,
You are a bunch of Kind Ladies.
Thank you for the love and encouragement and for letting me ride with you on your journeys.
Transparency rocks!
P.S. I am going to blog about Kind Lady so you know what a huge compliment that is.
I wish I lived closer to – but mostly just to pawn the munchkins off on you once in a while. I figure, they need to experience nutritious snacks and stimulating play at least once in their lives. ; )
There will always be popsicles in the freezer and room in front of our TV for 3 Southern Belles and 1 Raccoon.
Thank you, Alison. Btw, you must feel really comfortable around you because it seems I’m always making my stupid grammatical mistakes when I comment on your site. I meant “too.” Thank you for not throwing any stones. Hehehe.
lol – “I must feel really . . .” Dang!
Everytime I come to your blog I am inspired to be more faithful in the Lord. Thank you so much for your inspiration. You have no idea how many people you are reaching while sharing your own life.-Gwen
I think our brains do these little spasms to keep us humble.
Thanks for the kind words. Your comment, “You have no idea how many people you are are reaching…” really struck me.
I don’t know.
I am trying to give my day to God every day and to fully give myself in the opportunities He provides. But I let so many opportunities pass, so often I fail to be a witness to the love and grace He has shown me. Thanks for taking time to tell me I have hit the mark for you.