This is the story of two lovely ladies
whose husbands are very far away…
Six children. Two women.
I will elaborate as I am able.
If I come to mind it is the Holy Spirit. Do not quench him; get on your knees and pray.
I need to go to bed and hopefully rest up for a good day tomorrow. I have been sleeping poorly which is just so unfortunate as this bunch could undo a girl with a full night’s rest and energy to burn.
Hope everyone is doing well.
JayMarie – I have not been able to pull up your blog in about a week. Actually, I can see the blog, your links and list of latest blogs but not the actual posts. I had no problem when you had that stinking planet up for WEEKS but now that you are a busy little blogger I can’t get to it. That is bad manners. You or my computer are to blame. Are you blogging invisibly?
Re: JM’s blog…let the whole thing load, including her little photo, then scroll all the way down. Works for me.
Welcome back. Hope you are sound asleep right now.
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You are being spammed again. Remember to sign in and click on the little trash can under the offending comment(s). I myself don’t tolerate junk mail in my blog. Up to you, of course.
I suppose you should just follow sherry’s advise because I haven’t a clue…
Hope you are having a wonderful time with all the kids!! I promise not to ignore the spirit’s nudge 🙂
I was going to say you have to scroll down on Jay Maries (and my photo blog too – its a blogger glitch) Good luck on the man out of town thing. At least you have a girlfriend or someone to share responsibility with. Will definately add stamina and wisdom for you to my prayer list 🙂 How long will this be for?