My sister-in-law, Kristi, and her family are visiting. Last weekend extended family came as well. A cousin brought bags and bags of clothing and toys for my sister-in-law’s kids. One night Kristi sorted through things while her husband, Jon, Paul and I sat around talking.
Kristi is no cat lover and terribly allergic to boot. When she hauled out two framed photographs of kittens there was no question of keeping them. She made a face and promptly placed them in the Goodwill pile at my feet. These pictures were not for the faint of heart. I picked one up, a horizontal 8×10. A fluffy long haired white kitten is the focal point. Left, in the slight background is a heart pillow, all lace, bows and doilies. The background is a pink chintz, pretty actually, though half is draped with a lace panel. There is lace in the foreground too, just under the kitten’s paw. The kitten is staring, bug-eyed just above the camera. There were many terrible things in this picture, but it was lit from the side by sunlight, which gave a good feel and it was very nicely matted and framed. If you took out the lace, the pillow and the cat…well I guess there really wasn’t anything redeeming the picture and yet I continued to hold it.
I knew there was a little girl in this house who would treasure this picture. Paul was mortified, “Gun it!” Kristi and Jon laughed in agreement and yet I hesitated. There are so many issues and areas where our children are called to submit to Paul’s and my higher wisdom and authority. This was a matter of taste. To me, this picture was wretched, insipid, nauseating, but to my 7 yo daughter I knew it would be beautiful. Undecided I slipped it to the side.
The next morning morning my daughter unearthed it within minutes of waking. Clutching it to her chest she asked to whom it belonged. I told her she may keep it and to put it in her room. She scurried off in joy.
It is propped proudly on her dresser just waiting to be hung.
Hysterical! Never fear, childish fancies WILL give way to good taste as she grows up. I despise those cutesy-pootsie types of pics and knick-knacks too. Just ghastly!!! But you are a good mom to endure it during these “formative” years. 🙂
I knew you would understand.