I have more of these than I would like. I awake a bit earlier than necessary, that is, to the sound of my 7 yo kissing the head of my 2 yo as she carries her through the house to our room. I muster the strength to greet them both with a smile, a hug and a kiss and then we all snuggle together for a bit until the 2yo gets antsy and starts kicking her legs in the air and rolling around. I don’t know how such a still pudgy body can feel all elbows when connecting with my own. Eventually we drop her to the floor and she trots off to play with her big sister. Our eldest, the night owl, has the decency to sleep late.
Any way, slow lazy day where I’ve felt like I am walking under water. Just starting to wake up at 5 pm. OK, not even yet.
Am going to go outside and watch my husband play frisbee with my daughter and niece.
Slackers relax, the Patrol is off the clock.
Upcoming topics:
Shaved head
Why some cat lovers (not KMJ) should not be allowed free rein with a camera
Needy gardening
Dead Father
Coveting my neighbor’s evergreens
A veritable smorgasborg, to quote Templeton of Charlotte’s Web
See you at the fair.
The fair is a veritable smorgasborg, smorgasborg…
Thanks for lodging a really obnoxious song in my brain. Let’s hope it passes soon.
I am being a bit lazy myself today. 3:30 and the kids are watching an overdue DVD while I sit here and do a variety of things, some important, some not. None of us are dressed. Andy is at the high school’s graduation ceremony, where Tyler was supposed to be today. He didn’t plan to attend afterall, last I’d heard. I suppose I should make something of myself, as we have a post-grad pot-luck to attend after the ceremony.
Oops! I think I just heard the garage door. Dang! Gotta go!
(sorry, still signed in as you)
Can’t wait to read the ‘cat pic moratorium’ rant. I’ve posted a fair share of kitty photos over the months, and I do often fear that I’ve posted one or ten too many. 🙂
I like the “upcoming topics” section. Of course, I’m one of those people well-contented and ready to leave the theater after just seeing the previews.