Strengthen the weak knees….
We have had company for a week, done spring cleaning, opened a pool, torn out shrubbery, shopped and cooked for armies, hosted extended relatives too and cared for three children all the while. My home is awash with books, toys, blocks, laundry – clean, spilling out of baskets and dirty piled on the floor.
It seems too much for one woman to bear let alone correct. But it must be done. I will tame this domestic wilderness. My husband and children will return home to find peace and comfort restored.
Grace, grace to me!
Remind me to tell you about lunch duty at my son’s school.
Send me some of that strength, if you find it, will you?
I did it! I set my timer for 5 minutes at a time and then ran like crazy in a circuit. Kitchen, bedroom, dining room and living room are all livable, vacuumed and neat. One hour, baby!
Did you ever know that you’re my hero?
You’re everything I wish I could be.
I can fly higher than an eagle…
That’s me, I mean I.
Of course I ommitted my kids’rooms, the office, the laundry and the bathrooms. Tomorrow is another day.
Wow! I don’t ever aspire to do that many rooms in one day, much less one hour. But, then again, I have already lost the battle against cat-hair. It’s much easier just to stock lots of lint rollers. 🙂
Now Ladies,
Do you get that I am talking, sprucing, not obsessing. Putting junk away and staightening. That’s all folks. Still, Paul came home and said, “You really worked hard!” Don’t tell him it was only an hour.