Sorrow Sorrow Sorrow.
Was happily blogging away for the very first time, got to a nice transition, went to save and lost part of my post. Oh the humanity. What follows it what remains. I will keep going tonight or tomorrow.
We recently had our kitchen remodelled. It started with wanting carpet (yes in the kitchen!) replaced with laminate, a dishwasher installed and the removal of a wall and ended with us tearing everything out down to the studs. Per a friend’s recommendation we found a great contractor who helped us get the most for our dollar and who did wonderful work as well as lined up contractors who came when they were scheduled and did great work too. The whole job was done in less than three weeks…except for the floors. A friend of ours had recently helped his brother put a laminate floor in his house and offered to help us too. We decided to do it ourselves.
Now, we painted, and um, cleaned, oh and I gardened a lot and my husband mowed. We changed lightbulbs too, but that is about all we did, in regards to our home, ourselves. Our friend, Dan, assured us it was a snap and so cheap too. This was a relief as roughly every floor in our home was screaming to be replaced. Our plan had been to pay to have the kitchen and dining room floors done professionally but that was before we knew the whole kitchen was going to be redone. Dan’s suggestion and offer of help seemed like the perfect solution until the carpenter and contractor started putting in our cabinets. That was when my floor guy was first mentioned.
Picture a contractor, a very proficient one, shaking his head, a dazed expression on his face – sweating. It is January. In addition to having crappy floors, my money pit, I’m sorry, home is never warm. “Your guy is going is going to have a sweet time with that floor.” Now I knew I had two guys, one was sitting in an office and the other one was practicing trombone for a symphony. Combined they didn’t make a floor guy.
“What do you mean?” trembly voice. I don’t really remember what he said but basically my floor drops about ten feet in a one foot area. You could get a nose bleed walking across my kitchen. It wasn’t very nice, even if I could, I wouldn’t repeat it.
I called one of my floor guys at work, the one I sleep with, “…and Tom said it goes down…and we’re gonna…and he wouldn’t….and…” My voice trailed off into a squeal that only dogs could hear. Paul interrupted, “I’ll talk to
Congratulations on the birth of your new blog. Sorry you had to lose half of your first post. I’m anxious to hear the rest of the story. Is “Dan” the Dan M. who I remember from the 6th grade? It seems I recall that you guys were close friends with him.
Care to expand on the blog’s title?
Welcome aboard.
The same Dan.
The title is my theme for this year, a consolation for leaving the lovely symmetry of 33.
I am seriously bummed about the post. Of course I lost the part that was starting to get funny. I will get it back tonight.
Welcome Alison. If you are the same Michigan friend, I remember Sherry telling me about you, when I first met Sherry (back when I was 15 and she was 14) – best friend in Michigan~!
I am the one. Sherry and I were our sixth grade teacher’s nightmare as we were both born 35. At 12 we were, I think the exact word used was, “supercilious”. Hard to imagine, isn’t it?
Dear Alison,
Greetings! I am meant on behalf of Gramma Booyah to convey to you her extreme approbation and gratitude for your “My floor guy” posting. She would write to you herself but I am to practice my English and typing. So I translate from her to you now. She love when you have blackouts and she said that it remind her of “black ass days” when she huft turpentine (?) “just to get by”. I don’t know what that mean but then again so many thing are different here than in Chennai. Until I was adopted by Gramma Booyah I was a street performing until my dog killed by Fedex truck. Amazing!! for the price of some cups of coffee, I am now here, in America and I eat waffles – Gramma Booyah say that I am way off topic and it’s time for American Idol so I will say goodbye and Gramma Booyah egerly wait for next “Floor guy” story.
Thanna Fowle
I am so happy you are here eating waffles. It was very kind of you to write on behalf of Gramma Booyah. What a plucky girl you must be.
Would you happen to know my brother, Nathan?
I am sorry to hear about your dog.
Please visit again.
Hi Alison!
I am so glad you decided to start a blog. If you don’t remember me, I tagged along with Sherry to visit you and your family during winter 1990 (or was it 1991 by then? January, anyway).
I remember so many details from that trip – it has stayed clear in my mind, like many snapshots in an album. Anyway, I still recall, quite fondly, that your dear mother encouraged me to read Pride and Prejudice. Oh my, my heart has never been quite the same since. I still have the same tattered copy that I bought in some used book store and can’t even count how many times I’ve reread it.
Welcome! 🙂
Dear Thanna,
It is lovely to hear (read) your voice here. It has been a long time, hasn’t it? I hope you and Gramma Booyah are well. If you do happen to run into Nathan, you must promise to greet him fondly for me.
Karen, Are you kidding me, of course I remember. I did not know my mom encouraged you to read P&P.
I do remember another part of that talk. You mentioned a French author that everyone had to read?
I would have attacked you on your blog, but I was busy with Sherry and then Sheila – who still has not responded. I didn’t want to be a serial blogger. But that is kind of the idea isn’t it? Sooo good to hear from you.
Thanna Fowle.
I get it.
A little slow there, but I’ve cracked the code.
Please encourage granny booyah to tell us all more about the “black ass days” of huffing terpentine…history don’t git any richer ‘n ‘at.
A non-mouse
I have been giggling off and on about, “I cracked the code.” So funny.
Thought about you at 9:51 EST and thought “Sherry is probably getting Tano ready for the bus.” Good to be connected.
P.S. Do you remember a Scott L. (Dan M.’s close friend)? He has commented on one of my blogs.
Dan is actually my oldest friend as we met with Scott on the swings in third grade. You are my second oldest.
Yes, I remember Scott vividly. Just finished reading his blog cover to cover (fortunately it’s still short). Great stuff. My world get’s a little smaller every day.
My world get’s a little smaller…? I hate it when I do things like that. I’m totally slipping. I am generally such a grammar nazi.