Have you heard the press release regarding the latest study on laundry? It was an analysis of whether or not, given enough time, laundry would wash itself. I can’t say a lot, but I can tell you I was one of the participants.
Regretfully, the findings were that laundry does NOT wash itself, this was concluded after exhaustive analysis. Because of the nature of the study, I had to sign a confidentiality agreement. It wasn’t easy all these years, keeping silent and watching the laundry pile up, filling out my forms, hoping and hoping, but letting the data speak. This was one of those times that you know you are a part of something larger than yourself, that your own sacrifice of pride is worth the possibility of something great.
I’ll be honest, I’m disappointed. I had really hoped that laundry did wash itself. But as time went on the results became obvious. I’m no scientist, but I began to put it together, even before the study was completed.
It’s published now and you can read it for yourself. If you don’t feel like trudging through all the technical jargon, I’ll just tell you, in addition to not washing itself, laundry, does not fold itself, nor will it put itself away, no matter how long it is left in a basket. However, it was determined, in homes where the participants were married, that the spouse outside the study would some times pitch in and “help” the participant.
I know that there were thousands of people in this study, who gave their time and floor space for YEARS in the pursuit of knowledge. It was certainly a relief to come out to my family and I would love to hear from any other participants, now that we can speak.