This is Petunia. (The gray, moppish looking one on the right.) She belongs to dear friends of ours who are visiting family in Minnesota for two weeks over Christmas. When I heard they couldn’t find anyone to house/dog sit, I offered to take Petunia for them.

This post is dedicated to Dax and was made possible by giving stickers to Eden and drugging Lydia with Drahmamine.
Tell the Canadians to pray that Birdie doesn’t fully collapse.
My, oh My! Petunia is like, like…like a flower! I’m sure she’s a great dog, but she’s seem to be a close cousin to Mr. Snufflehumpalicious, or whatever his name was. You’re dogsitting a muuppet!
Dan, Petunia is owned by an extremely attractive family, but good looks are not her strongest attribute. Her body is the funniest thing and you can’t really see it in these pictures.
I can’t count the times I have looked at her, nudged Paul and we’ve both laughed. You have to meet her.
Technically, I’ve decided Petunia is a cross between a muppet, an ewok, a gremlin & the ottoman/dog in the animated version of Beauty & the Beast – dog’s got hair to spare!
poor Petunia….being mocked at every turn…and all for things she has no control over! LOL
BTW, my captcha word on C. RIley’s page was “suckibe” I get teh best words on his sight!
How long are you going to be caring for sweet Petunia? I’d like to see this creature up close and personal!
Early this morning (4ish) after Eden woke me looking for a glass of water I returned to a fitful sleep. This post and our joking comments came to mind and I began to worry about Rob and Sara reading this and becoming offended.
When I was fully awake I remembered that they have a sense of humor.
Dan, she’ll be here for almost another week. You must meet her. Pictures can’t capture all her charms.
Oh, how I long to meet Petunia in all her glory!