This week, as our trees turn and the leaves are falling, I have been thinking about my love for all the seasons, but especially the times of most transition, spring and fall. I thought of this again today, walking with Christopher and Jack under a cloudless sky. I asked Christopher if he had a favorite among the seasons and was surprised when he named summer and winter. I asked why.
“Well, in summer it is hot and we get to swim in the pool and in winter there is snow and we let our imaginations run wild, you know.”
God help me, I do and I pictured Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Figuring that that wasn’t what he meant I asked him to elaborate.
“When the snow comes we are able to make snowmen and snow creatures and build forts and have snowballs fights. This winter I am going to make a snow zoo again, with lots of animals.”
He did that last year and the Legumes loved it. It all sounds so sweet and benign, cozy even. Maybe for him it is, maybe I’m the only one who feels the urge to pick up an axe in the winter, although the blamey side of me wants to suggest that, some days, Christopher picks it up first and hands it to me.
But who wants to be blamey? I don’t. And maybe this winter it will be different. Today, with the sun shining in the windows of our peaceful house it doesn’t seem to be only wishful thinking, but a strong possibility.
I love this photo. It is my favorite way to look at a tree. I have a photo of a Ponderosa Pine from exactly the same angle. I think it is in my Facebook “My Montana” photo album.
So pretty. We could use some color this time of year in Cali. 🙂