I’m sitting in a dark kitchen and the only things I can hear are the hum of the fridge and the sound of birds singing.
I always know it is really and truly Spring, regardless of what Michigan’s weather is doing, when I wake and notice the birds. Yesterday was the first morning.
It’s been a long winter.
We had warm weather over the weekend and blue skies, but almost everything is brown or a dull green. Eden and I played I Spy on a family walk and I swear one of the things she picked was a “darkish brownish green.” Since there aren’t a lot of houses where we walked we were pretty much limited to brown (dead leaves, dirt, tree trunks), dark green(patches of old, ice burned grass), grey (embankments and pebbles) and black (the path itself and the road beside) so we were desperately looking for the underground utility flags and bits of trash. Finally I picked the sky just to say something blue. But we had fun and spring is here, even if we don’t have all the proof.
The kitchen is still quiet. I’m going to do this more often. I need time to myself when the house is still to think and to write and to pray.
Happy Monday.
Glad you could start your day with some quiet. It’s important.
I love reading your blog…I jsut recently found it (while you were in Cali) and I am jsut blessed by it. You have such a neat way of writing that makes me feel like I am there or makes me experience what you were as I read it. I have even gone back and read bunches more than jsut the current stuff. Love ya!!
Sherry, I miss you.
Kim, thank you for telling me that. It made my day. I’m glad you enjoy reading the blog .
You are most welcome my dear! Hey, I am jobless right now, so if you ever want “adult” company during the day…let me know…it would be fun to hang with you and the kiddos…or if you want a break…you know to go to the chiropracter or anything…I can come hang out with the kids while you go.