Tonight while I was tucking Eden into bed the subject of her future work came up. Old time readers of the blog, might recall that Eden’s first career goal was to be a “Sample Lady at Meijer” (I’d link to it, but I’m tired.) which we all agreed would suit her to a T. Now she wants to be a “Dog Vet.” Although I am feeling for future Meijer shoppers, I think this is a good choice too.
“And I will put bows on the dogs’ ears,” she said, “but just the girl dogs.”
“Oh, so you’re going to be a sort of canine stylist?”
She nodded, “And the boy dogs will get sweaters.” ( In the interest of full disclosure she mentioned a certain type of sweater, but I forgot what. It was distinctly masculine.) “The girl dogs will get sweaters too, but their’s will be Hannah Montana and High School Musical.”
“Wow!” I said and then pulled her in for a hug. “You are going to be a great Dog Vet/Canine Stylist.”
She looked at me for a moment, “I’ll have to look for penises, to figure out if they’re girl dogs or boy dogs.”
“Of course you will.” I agreed.
so how does one say “of course you will” with a straight face after such a statement?
I love this girl.
Kim, practice, practice, practice! I’ve been getting this sort of stuff day in day out for years.
Sherry, she’s good medicine.
So a call comes in today from the office – the husband – to see if I’ve read your blog yet. “It’s great” he says, “Go read it!” 🙂
She’s fantastic.
Stu’s a lurker and a marketer! Wow. I’m so honored. I think Samuel’s holding up the West side of the country and Eden has got the East.
That’s a classic…. i laughed out loud…. I wish I could have heard her say it.
Yes, and if we are ever able to get Samuel and Eden in the same room, we will have to plant some recording devices and post all of their conversations 🙂