Given my druthers I would have selected silver, but it was this or a metallic blue. Regardless, it works and fits in my pocket. And yes, we did buy the extended service plan. It covers everything except for loss and theft. As long as you have even a weensy portion of the camera, you can trot into Best Buy and get a replacement IMMEDIATELY. Omitting the need to mail it anywhere guarantees we won’t go a year without a (handheld) camera ever again.
A congratulation to you on this big camera day, I will miss the Mactography, (at least you got Tanner of you back now ), but for sure I will cherish the next pictures you will post. We’re gonna see Alison’s world from a whole different perspective now. Literally!
Loving the irony of taking this final photo with the Mac.
Have you developed some serious Popeye forearms from holding the laptop in your hand?
Am anxious to see the new horizons that will open up with a real camera.
And what a treat to see the word druthers in print once in a while.
Sunva, you know him so you can imagine the mockery, the loud sighs, the rolling of the eyes…
Never fear, I am almost positive that there will be more Mactography to come.
Sherry, it seemed only fitting that this camera’s introduction to the blog be via a Mac portrait. The family took a hike yesterday and I brought the camera. I will be posting tomorrow.
Regarding druthers, I’m always happen when I can give you a treat.