all 8 pounds and 10 ounces and 21 inches of her.
She’s got a lot of blond hair, a very prominent brow line and a cute little nose.
She’s extremely alert.
Name to be finalized shortly.
Will keep you posted.
Expert on the etiquette of perilous times.
Welcome, P2. I look forward to meeting you someday.
oh my gosh! i want to see a picture as soon as you can possibly get one up.
what a wonderful day to have a baby
(did anyone catch the march for life footage from washington dc today?)
it was awesome
we’re so desperate to see her!!! give her a kiss on that cute little nose from aunt ally 2
They are going to be in the hospital until tomorrow morning and so we are going to visit again today.
This time I’ll take my laptop and put up a picture. She’s got a lot of hair. I think we were all expecting a clone of Ren, although David told us over the phone that she didn’t really look like her big sister. And it was still a shock to see her. She doesn’t have giant eyes or enormous lips.
She’s beautiful, tall and strong.
Ali, didn’t see the footage. Maybe I can check it out online.
Allison, I was feeling for you yesterday and almost called when I was going crazy waiting. I am so glad they are headed your way soon. The long distance stinks. Today I will certainly kiss her sweet little nose for you.
I made sure to grab Ren’s shawl and she was wearing her bling so she represents in the first pictures, thanks to you.
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My link was broken for some reason in my earlier comment, so I’m reposting.
I’ve got a couple of pictures of the cute kiddo over at my blog. If you click on the one with Paul holding her, you’ll be able to see a magnified picture of her adorable face.
Just went to see the firt photos on Dan’s site. She is gorgeous. That can’t truthfully be said about all babies, but it’s entirely true with this one. You can tell she had plenty of restful and relaxing time inside mom and then a quick and easy ride through the chute. I think we had to wait so long because she was busy getting a massage and a facial and having her hair and make-up done.
Oh, and Dan’s link still didn’t work. Here it is:
Theme and Variations
Those would be the first photos, rather than the firt ones.