Sadly the birthday boy made a mad dash for the kitchen while we were lighting his candle.
We’ll try that again. The black blur is the guest of honor. He was in an absolute lather since his “cake” was a shin bone stuffed with peanut butter.
Once given the bone, he immediately ran off to the bedroom to chew it. I just kept taking pictures. The kids went about their business. Eden has just knocked over Christopher who had assumed some sort of pose and yes, that is Lydia in the background in a High School Musically inspired stance.
I have accidentally deleted two pictures and don’t have the strength to upload them again. For real, I am going to get a camera before Eden’s birthday, which is January 25th.
No baby news yet. Jack graciously offered to let P2-ty share his birthday but she must want to run her own show.
at this rate I’m afraid Eden might have to share hers!