I have the house to myself.
It’s so rare for me be able to write that ever, but especially since we got Jackie Boy. He’s at…I really don’t want to write this…Doggie Daycare. All I can say is that he runs his little heart out and then is sweet and mellow for four days. Seeing as how Paul and I are falling down every other day walking him and we just got a boat load of snow with more imminent and tomorrow is the holidays…think what you will.
I have the house to myself.
Paul and the girls are taking his mom out to lunch and then to the airport, Christopher is at Torey’s playing video games with David and I am sitting here trying to summon the strength to eat a salad. This is part of my plan to ring in the New Year without being issued my own, private, zip code. I’ll keep you posted on that. After lunch I am going to start cooking for tomorrow. I also want to do some sprucing so that everything feels fresh and clean for Christmas.
It is cold and snowy here. We had picture book type snow last night. It’s beautiful.
Wherever you are, I hope you are enjoying the day.
A quiet home all to yourself is pure joy. Glad it came your way. Thanks for your quiet support, btw. The internet is a blessed thing when one finds someone else’s dear friend across miles and then can call that person friend as well.