Have done:
Awoke to sinus pain at 2 a.m.
Read a book until some time after 5 a.m.
Passed out again
Crawled out of bed at 8 a.m.
Rescued two toads from the love of the Bean
Taught school
Made a run to the pharmacy to get meds for allergies
Commanded everyone to wear shoes whilst in the construction zone
Removed the last of the cedar shakes
Had a long phone call regarding a ministry for which I volunteer
Busted up a brawl between the homeschoolers that broke out while I was on the phone
Gave First Aid to a Bean who slipped off her shoes and sliced her toe in all the excitement.
Negotiated peace between the warring parties
To do:
Take a Bean to the doctor for a tetanus shot
Go to the library
Shop for groceries
Make dinner
Launder all of our laundry
Pick up the dining room and our bedroom
Walk the dog
Sleep through the stinking night
Workout? Did you even READ that “have done” list???