Hi Ms. Alison, it’s K Murphy J, back from complete radio silence for about a year… I don’t plan on blogging myself, but hope to visit Sherry & you & Sheila quite regularly. Hope I’m still welcome.
I AM baaaaaack in all my Readery-Glory. 🙂 I won’t tease you or Sherry…(she knows where I live and can/will come get me if I mess with her.) 😉
Please give your kiddos HUGE hugs for me. And I’ve been actually dreaming of Michigan. I think my body knows it’s been just over a year since the fabulous Blogopalooza!
Next year…in the new Paloozalem (wanna say Vancouver? I think I can send my hubby out of town for a few days!!!) — kmj
They go to the same stylist.
Could they be any cuter?
No, they couldn’t.
They look gorgeous.
Beautiful dreamers!!!
Hi Ms. Alison, it’s K Murphy J, back from complete radio silence for about a year… I don’t plan on blogging myself, but hope to visit Sherry & you & Sheila quite regularly. Hope I’m still welcome.
(Go, Cheerleader Farm!!!) — kmj
Oh, K, I’d completely forgotten about the cheerleader farm.
Good times, good times.
Karen are you really BAAAAAAAAACK? (sound of a cheerleader sheep)
Don’t tease me now…
And um, I was practically inviting myself to your house for Blogapalooza 07. You’re ALWAYS welcome.
I AM baaaaaack in all my Readery-Glory. 🙂 I won’t tease you or Sherry…(she knows where I live and can/will come get me if I mess with her.) 😉
Please give your kiddos HUGE hugs for me. And I’ve been actually dreaming of Michigan. I think my body knows it’s been just over a year since the fabulous Blogopalooza!
Next year…in the new Paloozalem (wanna say Vancouver? I think I can send my hubby out of town for a few days!!!) — kmj