This is the new bed I added this season to try and take advantage of one of the spots in our yard that gets the most sun. This is what it looked like a couple of weeks ago.
This is what it looks like now. In the background you might be able to see a tee pee I constructed out of tree limbs. I did it last year too and grew green beans up it for a little fort for Beanie. I assembled this and carefully strung the twine all around it. It was a hot day and it took a little time but when I was finished I was happy it was done. I went off to do something else and came back to find that Eden had cut almost every one. I can’t remember her indignant rationale. Last week we planted the bean seeds and they are starting to pop up which is very exciting. The twine still needs to be restrung.
Nice shoulder. The little bed in the middle has broccoli, a few strawberries and cucumbers.
This is all flowers: cosmos, cleome and that straggling thing I can’t remember what it is. There are three other sections. One is tomatoes and basil, another is a zucchini bordered by small Lavender plants and the third is just flowers, some we are trying to grow from seed. I really gave Eden a lose hand there and so far nothing is coming up. I might need to go behind and help a little gardener out.
Loving the bean fort for the Bean. Way to go, Garden Girl.