We took the puppy to the vet this morning and discovered that we have been feeding him too much food. I don’t know if I misunderstood what the breeder told me or she’s crazy, either way we have a plump puppy. I was so pleased with his girth and attributed it to his build. “But he’s got such big bones!” I took the news with humble dignity.
The vet asked if she could take him around in back and show him off to everyone in the office, apparantly half the staff have Labs, and everyone loves a puppy. There was quite a bit of cooing and if I had a dollar for every time someone said, “He’s a handsome boy!” the visit would have been free.
So Jackie Boy is cutting back on his chow and tonight the entire family is taking him to Puppy Kindergarden. I don’t know why we couldn’t just call it Beginner Training.
Sorry for all the dog posts – it’s a bit consuming and, I hope, more interesting than laundry posts, which we all know I am not above.
Don’t apologize for Jack stories…these are good for us dog lovers.
I’m surrounded by puppies. I went back to my old stomping grounds and saw my former teacher. He had a chocolate lab puppy.
All these puppies are making me itch even more for a dog.