Something Paul and I are trying to instill in Christopher is the value of feedback. For example: if he is trying to say or do something funny and no one is laughing that could be a clue that his choice of action might not be humorous to anyone other than him. We have been encouraging him to check in with his audience. Historically he has been more committed to his concept of comedy than his crowd.
Paul andI have been guiding him through his clownishness, trying to receive the gift of who he is and supporting him in respecting others.
Last night Aunt Torey and Uncle David were babysitting and had a little party with the older two. They rented a movie, popped a bunch of popcorn and stayed up late. Paul and I came home as the movie was wrapping up and gave the bedtime directives: brush your teeth, get into bed and await tuckage.
After a little lagging and the, “Don’t ruin a special treat!” admonitions they ran off. A few minutes later, Christopher announced from the kitchen, “Introducing the Giant Booty Boy” and then, having shoved several blankets down his pajama bottoms he came dancing into the living room, wagging his enormously blanketed bum. “Get into bed -” I began to cut him off but then he ran over to Torey and turned to shake his giant can in her and I started to laugh.
It was really funny. Torey had dissolved into giggles. Thus encouraged he began to wag his tail even harder. He had a real rhythm going and the stuffing of the pajamas had been masterfully done; it looked real. I tried to tell him to knock it off and get into bed but, he was shaking it at me and I could only laugh and kick at the padding.
Later,after we finally got him into bed, Torey, Paul and I talked about it. “He was really funny,” I said with wonder.
If I had a dollar for every time I have said, “OK Buddy, it’s time to calm down.” I would be a very rich woman. It felt good to enjoy him and to laugh, with no reservation.
That is funny…did you get a picture of the mighty booty?
How’d you all like some company Saturday night?
Let me know…