Awoke with a bit of a sore throat this morning. Things could go either way. I just don’t know. Trying to drink water, take vitamin C and wanted to have a nap but got caught up in a cooking storm.
Christopher broke his glasses a while ago and I need to get them in to be repaired. The kids are begging to go to the librairy. I would prefer to stay home, but I think I am going to load them all (including a Bean who nolonger takes naps – God help us) and go.
If one of you would nip over and pick up my living room, do 100 loads of laundry, spruce up the kitchen and clean the bathrooms, that would be great and I would definitely remember to say thank you.
Of note, I was feeling bad because of all I have not gotten done and then I reminded myself that I educated two children while minding two toddlers, bathed the wee ones, fed all of them and made a big pot of chili and a huge batch of sauce. Why do I live focusing on what I have left undone instead of celebrating what I have achieved? Something to notice.
As well, Paul and I are praying about serving on the team that will put on a marriage retreat in February. We both want to do it and are simply waiting to hammer out the details of a big trip that Paul needs to make in January but is not yet scheduled. Kids, this means the Marriage Vigilante I have become is going to be fully unleashed. Posts will follow. Hear me roar.
Zicam that throat, baby!
I’m a believer!