I know it has been quiet here (the blog, never the home) lately. School is back in session and I have been busy getting a lot of things in order. Torey is helping me go room by room, closet by closet – God bless her.
As well, we are experiencing multiple plumbing issues (literally – sob!) and are dealing with that and the damage already done.
Too, I am tracking down some resources for Einstein’s Protege which always takes about 50 steps of back work to move 1/2 a step forward. Am writing letters, taking calls and requesting records at this point.
AND YET (here’s the good news) I am working on something, but it is very long. Bear with me. I think it is going to be worth the wait.
For now, I need to go to bed because it is late, I am tired and I am typing this while breathing through my shirt. SOMEONE’S plumbing needs a roto rooter right now. Alas, the plumber coming tomorrow will only be able to work on the house and not one of its occupants. Pity.
This is becoming an abusive marriage. He blames the wings he consumed earlier. They always have an excuse. Well I’m getting out.
Hope everyone is well. I hope to post my story soon.
I hope you were referring to getting out of the room, not the marriage.
It’s a good thing we love these guys.
So. Funny. Can. Barely. Type.
Does he know you blog about his plumbing?
Sheila, he was gassing me out as I was blogging!
He was bringing down the value of our home and the quality of my life.
I always give him veto power.
Sherry, I thought I commented, out of the room, of course.