Yesterday, after driving through the night, my brother-in-law, David, noted, while filling the truck with gas, that it was leaking transmission fluid. Uh oh.
Long story short (If you are still with me after that opening sentence you deserve some brevity) U-haul put them up in a hotel last night in Billings, Montana and gave them another truck. The new truck is an upgrade from the old and brand new, but they had to unhook their car as well us unload and repack all their stuff. That was on the agenda for today. I spoke with Torey last night. David was bummed because he had the eye of the tiger and wanted to keep going. Hopefully he still has it today.
On the home front the Christmas stuff, winter gear and all the toys are picked up and put away. Only the school junk remains.
I don’t want to talk about my laundry room.
Now that just sucks! Did they have to unpack and repack just themselves, or did U-Haul haul their rear ends over to do most of the heavy lifting?
They did it themselves. I haven’t heard from her since Saturday night so I don’t know how it went or where they are now.
This could be the boost you needed: they are in an unfortunate circumstance and need a day or two to get to your house which give you the time to do the sorting and cleaning you were trying to put off. Could only be a God-thing. Only God has that sort of sense of humor!
u-Haul is notoriously bad bad bad at maintaining their trucks, wish we could of told them that before their nightmare…..we learned the hard wau also.
Amberj, I was going to be ready for them without the delay. Fortunately they are on the way again and do to arrive sometime today.
Brenda, We are, in general, a Ryder family, but I think the cost was prohibitive.
Our Ryder truck broke down when we were moving from CA to WA, eleven years ago now. Unpack, repack, been there, done that. Ryder is not exempt.