Isn’t it strange how seemingly unconnected things: digging out a hosta entagled in the roots of a tree and running up a steep hill to play with my son, combine to cause me immobilizing pain. I awoke early and got up to head to the gymn and found I couldn’t really walk. My Aquilles tendon is strained, making it hot to the touch and tender. I am hobbling around.
Fortunately I already had a chiropractor appointment scheduled tomorrow to try and help with the weeks long headache that is, thankfully, absent today.
We have three more weeks of school. It is ALL I can do to not throw in the towel. “School’s out for the summer” is on a loop in my brain, but school is not yet out.
I have decided that this summer is going to be dedicated to finishing my book and to building community, i.e., having fun. Paul and I have been working like a couple of serfs to get our work done so that when things start to warm up we only have to worry about maintenance (which is plenty) and to having people over. Saturday was a free trash day for our township. Paul hauled three trailer loads of junk that came with this house and one of Goodwill items. Each load he spent an hour in line!
Fascinating stuff, I know.
Ouch. Sorry about the Achilles thing. Sounds painful.
Aint it just grand that we are now old enough that our bodies can’t always keep up with what our minds think is a perfectly acceptable level of activity?
My lower back went out of me one day last week. And over what? Nothing that felt remotely like overdoing it.
I am feeling you – literally.
Paul asked me the other day, “Are you going to rename your blog ‘Considerably Older than Jesus’?” which I thought was bad manners.
I do not consider 2,OK almost 3 years a considerable difference.
what’s a hosta?
It’s a plant with large leaves, the flowers are really secondary.
“What’s a hosta?”
The many varieties of hostas are the veritable backbone of every garden in the rainy, shady Pacific Northwest.
I see that I wrote “my back went out of me” above. That would better read, “my back went out ON me.” I’m not sure how the first one could actually occur.
Sherry, Fortunately I am no pedant and was able to get your drift.