1. I am really into soups right now.
2. I am also craving pineapple – have been for weeks. Pineapple drinks, pies, cakes, cupcakes – anything sounds delicious. I don’t know if it is the enzyme I want, but this need must be satisfied.
3. I am ALWAYS into chocolate in small, quite moderate amounts, of course.
Sheila says
You’d love pineapple dipped into chocolate fondue. It’s far better than strawberries.
alison says
I know! I have been at parties where I haven’t even had the chocolate and just loaded up on pineapple.
Scott says
So is it dark or milk chocolate for you?
alison says
Scott, Scott, Scott, Come on! Milk! Why? Because it has more sugar.
Dan says
MILK chocolate? Say it ain’t so! Milk Chocolate is naught but a meager substitute for the real deal. It pains me to know this little piece of information….sigh…I need a little time, but I’ll find ways to deal with it.
PS Have I ever mentioned that there’s this chocolate cake made with Chimay ale that I’m fond of?
alison says
I am going to get a bottle of that Chimey ale and swing it in the direction of your head until it makes contact! (Too lazy to turn off my filter)
I AM gaining an appreciation for dark. I realize I have nursery tastes, but they are what they are. I think with better chocolates I can go darker, but if we are talking a Snickers (with almonds, at least there we can agree) then it is milk all the way.
Take your time, mourn and grieve it fully then come back to lurk when you can.
alison says
…and then I’m going to get a bottle of that Chimay ale and do the same thing!
Sherry C says
Pineapple, eh? I was devastated to discover, back in my teen years, that fresh pineapple doesn’t agree with me. I don’t know if it is some sort of allergy or what, but whenever I eat more than the tiniest amount of it, the inside of my mouth breaks out in painful little sores all over. Fresh kiwi has the same effect.
For years I used to crave these flavors, especially the pineapple, but it really doesn’t tempt me at all anymore, as repeated ignoring of the effects eventually conditioned me to equate pineapple with pain. I don’t have much of a taste for it anymore, as a result. Go figure.