Can anyone guess the word in the post below that required me to turn off my Super Duper High Powered and Extremely Paranoid but Thank God For It cuz it PROTECTS the KIDS from the Naughties Filter?
I have been having a lot of trouble with words being deleted from my posts. Having had Blogger woes in the past I immediately blamed it. Finally with the “violence post” I figured it out. Must get more oxygen…
Anyhoo, just guess what was deleted below.
Scott says
My guess would be licked, but I saw a couple others that might get nabbed too, like loin or Mickey Rooney.
(Are you going to be able to read the answers?)
alison says
Guess again!
tanner says
Susan says
Hardy? Culminated?
(Will you post the recipe for Chad Potatoes? Sounds delicious.)
mrsfish says
If it was just one word, I would guess culminated too, but if it was a phrase or series, there are few if you pull them out of context (these three words) that I figure would pick up. But I don’t want to display my dirty mind here, its a family blog after all.
alison says
And the winner is:
My brother, Tanner, with “girl”, although, I think it was the capitalization of “G” that got me in to trouble.
Who knew?
Chad Potatoes:
Slice up as many potatoes and polish sausage as you want to eat. I prefer red. Ditto on onions. Ditto on green peppers if you like. Heat a large skillet with a bit of olive oil and garlic. Throw in potatoes, onions, sausage and peppers. Salt to taste, cover and cook over medium to low heat. I will throw in a little bit of water when it’s getting hot but the potatoes have a way to go and scrape up any bits that have stuck to the bottom. It’s a sort of “poor man’s deglazing” if that makes any sense.
Dan says
I was assuming it was that discussion about milk chocolate vs dark chocolate, and threats made to someone’s noggin. I have a suggestion: Why don’t you use the Champagne of Beers to swat my noggin with, and leave the Chimay ale for me to find succor within it’s wonderful, Belgian, creamy tastiness! Is that too much to ask?