I was so tired last night my chest began to constrict. I asked Paul would he mind if I took a nap during dinner. The family sat down to eat in the dining room and I slipped into bed and then into a sort of coma.
I wish I had asked them to eat in the kitchen.
Our bedroom opens to the dining room so as I drifted in and out of sleep I was able to pretty much follow the conversation at the table. I can’t remember much of it. I know Christopher was concerned about robbers and had big plans, incredibly detailed plans, of how to cope with them. I was too tired to speak. I just continued to drift in and out.
Finally I awoke fully. Soon after Christopher stuck his head into the room and whispered, “I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, ” I whispered back.
When he realized I was awake he came to hug me. After I hugged and kissed him and told him what a great boy he is I asked him to go get his father. After a few minutes Paul came to check on me.
I made him promise me if I ever was in an actual coma that he and the kids would always assume I heard everything.
He laughed and said, “Oh yeah, we’ll stroke your arms and sweet talk you.”
“OK, that’s great, just don’t have inane conversations that you think I can’t hear.”
This morning I quizzed him, “What are you going to do if I am ever in a coma?”
“We’re going to gently massage you-“
“So you don’t want me saying things like, ‘Well, when she’s gone…’?”
“That WOULD get my will to live going…Just keep me in the conversation.”
I have my doubts about this happening and am going to do my best to stay out of a coma.
Oh, how I wish I could do a Google search, call a phone number, and order you a good night’s sleep.
Ding Dong!
Can you imagine? Now THAT would be some kind of Fairy Godmother!
I slept like a baby last night.
Tuesday night I just had a lot of things running through my brain for MOPS the next day. Wednesday was “Spa Day” which entailed so many people and things…but done now and really my last taxing meeting. It is smooth sailing here on out.
This might make you comatose, so enter at your own risk.
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You write so beautifully and with such soul. I don’t comment often but want you to know you are in my thoughts. You often move me to tears. Sometimes because I am happy – and – sometimes because I have known your pain -in the past -and it quickly returns -there are also times when I feel like what you write is close to the space I am in now. Breathe – just breathe…I remind myself thru you. Being a mother and a wife is such an awesome thing. Such a huge responsiblility… such a blessing and such a struggle. You remind me that thru the good and the bad -it is worth it… so- so worth it!!! You get that and it is so cool! Thank you. … and as my boys are teenagers… I will tell you that it is worth it -every moment is worth it -and that they grow up so fast!!!
Your family is blessed to have you!!! …and the way they would care for you if you ever were in a coma… you are blessed to have them too!! 🙂
So I slip my note into your “locker” peeking back over my shoulder as I walk down the hallway to my next class -with a smile on my face…