My older brother arrived from California, Thursday. My sister and her daughter (the Peanut of portion of The Legumes) arrived early this morning from Vancouver, B.C. and my younger brother, is probably flying over Lake Michigan as I write. My brother-in-law wasn’t able to take off work and the whole Earth/Heaven divide precludes Dad from being here yet again. But other than that, when Paul gets home from work tonight, the Wolfe family Christmas 05 will begin.
The blog might be a little quiet for another bit.
I love my family.
This is me being unutterably grateful.
See you soon.
Enjoy Christmas, Alison. Tell them all I said Hey.
Hey, that’s what I was going to say, Scott.
Will the Wolfe family be accepting visitors? The Maier family is willing and able to travel.
Happy Family Christmas! Enjoy, laugh, play, cry, rest, eat, and again en’joy’!!! See you when it’s all over, and there better be good stories. lol!
Hi Alison,
Just read your posts back til October–Wonderful! ( Hey I woke up at 1 am it is now 3:41 am…the house is quiet….) It has been time well spent….Blessings to You and your Kids and Husband and Siblings and Mom! …and In-Laws and nieces and ………
And grateful you should be. What is better than the love of family?
Scott, Sherry,
Passed on the greetings. They were returned. 🙂
Mark, heard you had a good visit and that your kid is really sweet.
Karen, We did it all!
Brenda, Thanks for taking the time to read. You guys have been coming to mind and I have been praying provision, peace and joy for all of you.
Troy, It’s the best.
Yes, we had a nice time. John warmed up to Nathan after his initial period of not wanting Nathan to eat with us (or even sit at our table). That Wolfe charm is something! We still need to come up to visit you one of these days so that you can meet him (John, that is).