1. I don’t have a favorite color, but in clothing, pink is my signature color. When someone compliments me I will say, archly, “Well pink IS my signature color.” It’s such a ridiculous thing to say it always gets a laugh. I mean, who has a signature color? It’s silly, but I do.
2. I like clothing. I always notice and appreciate someone with a sense of style but I get a little tired shopping and slightly overwhelmed. I want someone to dress me, shop, that is. I am willing to actually put the garments on myself.
3. When I do shop – all you mothers know what’s coming – I get distracted by sales on clothing for the kids and Paul. Sad, but true…
Although I also get easily tired of shopping, we are not just alike, you and I. I much prefer funky finds from thrift shops over smart, snappy, well put together outfits.
And I think I have owned only one pink shirt in the last many years.
Blush and Bashful – two distinct shades of pink.
It’s pink and pink. It looks like someone threw up pepto bismol all over the church.
Good times.
Sheila, way to come through with the Steel Magnolias’ quote. 🙂
Dang it! I was totally thinking the SM quote but didn’t get to it in time. Way to go, Sheila!!!
I was never a fan of pink — loathed it, in fact — until recently. I live in a house full of boys. Yes, even the dog is a boy. I have decided to add more pink to my wardrobe. It makes me feel “girly”.
Hey. It’s been five days. Don’t make me sic the blog police on you. Oh, wait…that’s you. Dang.
I love pink too.