1. I don’t have a favorite color, but in clothing, pink is my signature color. When someone compliments me I will say, archly, “Well pink IS my signature color.” It’s such a ridiculous thing to say it always gets a laugh. I mean, who has a signature color? It’s silly, but I do.
2. I like clothing. I always notice and appreciate someone with a sense of style but I get a little tired shopping and slightly overwhelmed. I want someone to dress me, shop, that is. I am willing to actually put the garments on myself.
3. When I do shop – all you mothers know what’s coming – I get distracted by sales on clothing for the kids and Paul. Sad, but true…
Sherry C says
Although I also get easily tired of shopping, we are not just alike, you and I. I much prefer funky finds from thrift shops over smart, snappy, well put together outfits.
And I think I have owned only one pink shirt in the last many years.
Sheila says
Blush and Bashful – two distinct shades of pink.
It’s pink and pink. It looks like someone threw up pepto bismol all over the church.
Good times.
K Murphy J says
Sheila, way to come through with the Steel Magnolias’ quote. 🙂
AmberJ says
Dang it! I was totally thinking the SM quote but didn’t get to it in time. Way to go, Sheila!!!
I was never a fan of pink — loathed it, in fact — until recently. I live in a house full of boys. Yes, even the dog is a boy. I have decided to add more pink to my wardrobe. It makes me feel “girly”.
Sherry C says
Hey. It’s been five days. Don’t make me sic the blog police on you. Oh, wait…that’s you. Dang.
Julia says
I love pink too.