The day after we made our long list of how we want our school to be and what we are willing to do to make it thus (See: Captain’s Blog, below) Christopher said, out of the blue, “And tattoos.”
“I’m sorry?”
“In our school I would like tattoos. If we had them I would be very happy.”
“Well, then we will.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
So we’ve got:
some other things I can’t remember and…
And who says people that have or want tattoos are hoodlums?
Maybe Einsteins protege will work in a “creative” laboratory…….
Talk about a hipster. Rock on, Christopher!
Oh, you mean he wasn’t saying he wanted that little guy from Fantasy Island to be part of your school? Because that would be cool too.
Friends gave him a bunch of “tattoos” when they came to visit and his arms are covered with them. The Bean has one or two and only some dilligent scrubbing on my part took one off my upper arm. After several days Paul was asking, “Is that a real tattoo, Pretty?”
Why would we need Tattoo “Da Plane” ing when we have the Bean, “da” everythinging.