OK, I usually never edit my posts, as you all could probably guess, but we just did an exercise on common nouns, titles and names. I realized I had written Sweetheart in the post below as a common noun when actually it was a name.
HAD to correct. I am the Captain of this educational fleet. Things were a little zooey yesterday and I must have hit the blue button and not the orange.
So sorry.
Is there clemency for a first time, accidental offender?
Full pardon granted.
I realize now I hit the right button, blogger just didn’t post.
That is bad manners.
Oh, I guess.
That was pretty grudging, Mr. L., pretty grudging.
Apparently you don’t understand the proper Christian protocal (sic).
*pushes up imaginary glasses*
Come over to the dark side, Alison! I tweak and revise postings all the time, without the slightest guilt over it. I have no remorse; I am bloggiopathic!!! Join me, be my apprentice. And someday, when you’re stronger, you can go in and even changes some of your ARCHIVED POSTS. (Mwahwhwhwhahaha *maniacal laughter and evil rubbing of hands*)
You need to wipe that spittle off the corner of your mouth.