The other night at dinner a friend was talking about the son of a mutual acquaintance,
“Have you seen the child?” Paul nodded. Our friend continued, “I am sorry, but that is just a case of the pathology that homeschooling can be.”
I leaned forward and asked casually, “Did you know we’re homeschooling, now?”
He smiled his most charming smile, “I did not. How’s it going?”
“Well, I have taken to calling Paul ‘Sir’ but put my foot down at ‘My Lord’.”
And then we all started laughing.
This is one of those days where I am standing in the duality of what a great choice it has been for our family and how difficult it can be to execute. I am no stranger to duality, I run up against it in motherhood all the time and certainly in my marriage. Life on earth is a duality.
We did some challenging things today and I got the telegram that C. Riley is deaf, that it is hard for him to hear things clearly all the time. I got another telegram covering how competitive Birdie is, that she doesn’t understand she is two years younger than her brother and that it would be sad if he wasn’t ahead of her in some areas. And finally I got the one that said Beanie is two.
My head hurts.
Remembered I forgot to eat lunch.
Ate and took pain reliever.
I need to go now. A girl is anxious to make Hot Chocolate or “Warm Hot Chocolate” as it is called by a Bean. She doesn’t want to get burned.
Chin up, Girl.
Too funny about the dinner guest.
You know the speaker. It was Dan’s older brother, Steve. So funny.
“Well, I have taken to calling Paul ‘Sir’ but put my foot down at ‘My Lord’.”
Oh Captain, my Captain! You are so my hero right now!!!
Thank you for receiving the gift I aim to be.