The Bean is a very nurturing sort of girl. Out of nowhere, and I really mean nowhere, she can fashion a baby. She gets all quiet and soft and either cups her hands or crooks her arms to cradle – anything, I am talking paper clips, pieces of fuzz or nothing at all.
Yesterday Paul and I were painting the dining room ceiling and Beanie kept us company. She was being a kitten which involves lots of meowing, crawling and a good bit of licking or licking sounds. I looked over and she was on her side and her arms were circled in front of her. She had an earnest expression. I knew what was coming.
“I am the Mother kitten.”
“Oh really. What are your kittens’ names?”
“Uh…Kiko and Niko”
“Oh that’s nice, rather Japanese.”
I continued to paint and she continued to fawn on her imaginary offspring.
“Axcelly I had more kittens. I had five, but now I have two…You did it.”
“You did it.”
“What did I do?”
“You died them.”
“I did not!”
“You did.”
“No, I didn’t…kill them.”
“You did…kill them.”
“I would never kill your kittens!”
“You did it.”
Fortunately, we were distracted from this interminible argument. Now we all know I did not die those three imaginary kittens, but if you think the mere accusation isn’t hanging heavy on my conscience, you’re crazy.