and I like it.
After a rather long slump. I have been a cooking machine. Friday and Saturday I made a week’s plan then went shopping Saturday afternoon. Lived to tell about it and started cooking Sunday.
Sunday: made a vegetable chowder from scratch.
Ok I’m not going to burden you with all the details. Just know I have seven meals in the freezer and two in the fridge. I am over a week ahead!
Do you understand what that means?
I was up until 1 this morning. I knew it was time to go to bed when I realized my finger was dangling over the keyboard as I tried to remember where the exclamation key was. I got into bed all chatty and giggly. Paul managed not to smother me with a pillow which, I must say, showed a lot of restraint.
“I wonder if it is the Vitamin B spray?”
“Well that or speed,” he mumbled.
Finally I fell asleep and awoke at the regular time not terribly tired.
And here is the exciting (only in my pretty head) part, every day I look forward to cooking the next meal. I am doubling or trebling everything I make. Somehow I manage not to constantly rub my palms together through out the day when I think about our frozen stash.
Sorry about that.
And I am doing laundry.
Oh Vitamin B how I have missed ye! We will never ever be separated again.
The thing is exhaustion is just a part of who I am. Right now I might simply be experiencing normal. What if I start to feel what it is like for a normal person on an energetic day?
Buckle up.
Sherry C says
Pass me some of that Vitamin B spray, would you?
In contrast to your burst of energy and freezer full of M.R.E.’s, I trudged into my husband’s shop this evening at about 6:30, hung my head in shame and mumbled, “I can’t do it. I can’t make dinner tonight. The kitchen is a mess and there is nothing quick and easy in the house to make. I’ve looked. Except baked potatoes. I could bake potatoes and sprinkle cheese on them and chop up some veggies. It’s that, or I need to run to Subway (the only fast food in a 30 minute radius).
You know, those toasted subs aren’t half bad.
Unfortunately, the dirty kitchen still awaits my attention. I have a headache and just want to go to bed.
Could you maybe just send me a casserole? Better yet, I’ll just come there. That way I don’t have to face the kitchen.
alison says
“I think we need to move” is something Paul has heard more than a few times when I haven’t felt up to cleaning the kitchen.
I don’t know exactly why I am on such a cooking kick, just thankful.
I am just glad you have Subway to run to. I wasn’t sure out there in your part of the big sky.
alison says
I hope you went to bed! The kitchen can wait.
Sherry C says
I did. No bowls or spoons or plates means it’s fruit smoothies for breakfast this morning.
My kids think I should skip the dishes every night.