1. I was a flight attendant. (I applied to be a baggage handler, but got an interview for service because I spoke Japanese.)
2. My first assignment was in Memphis. My friend and I were trying to get transferred to Hawaii. In the mean time we decided to apply at Graceland as Japanese tour guides. While we were there filling out applications a call from Colonel Parker came through. After a few days we were asked to interview but we couldn’t because we both got called out on flights and were soon laid off.
3. After I was laid off I used a free flight to go back to Japan and teach English. I really wanted to go to Kindergarten. I figured I would learn a lot and could hold my own. I almost got a job as an iterant Kindergarten English teacher which seemed the best alternative but I needed a car and so I couldn’t take the job. Can you imagine the regret?
I am SOOO glad you played. I knew you were a flight attendant, and I was frankly way impressed by your ability to speak Japanese. 🙂 I love the segue stories that stem from that one fact. Happy Thursday.
Yea! Thanks for playing. A Gold Star for you! 🙂