Today was a great day. The kids played happily and there was no violence except for a hug that turned into a chokehold. Is it “no harm, no foul?” That was what we called and then tore the Bean off the recipient of her love.
I miss my husband.
He is in South America and is having trouble getting a phone line. He was able to send an e-mail through cable. Sadly, I was having trouble with DSL and unable to retrieve it. He has been gone 5 days and we have spoken twice. We usually talk that much in a day.
Separation is a sort of death.
On the up side my friend Margaret is very high energy, not twitchy, just this powerful force. She gets energy from organizing things. So far she has hit my girls’ room, my son’s and our office. She is headed for the laundry next. I might run out of rooms before her visit is over.
My brain is melting a little bit. Too many early mornings. Hope everyone is well. Thanks to all who prayed. The power of grace is so real.
Can you send Margaret my way when she is finished there?
Glad today was better. Still praying.
Grace to you, Alison.