Sure, it’s fun at first, getting up at four in the morning, staying up for hours then drifting off just as small and irresponsible people are rising and getting into mischief so you have to drag yourself out too. But after doing that about a hundred times it gets kind of old.
There is a particularly virulent form of insomnia that really torks me off. Here is how it goes: I awake, listen for something I might need to pray about, if nothing pings my spirit I pray generally then begin to read until I drift off, when I start to feel myself sagging I quick turnly out the light and snuggle in sooo relieved to be sleeping again and then I realize I am wide awake. This can happen countless times for hours. Torture.
My mom called this morning to ask, “Does it still work out for me to take the kids out for lunch?”
Yes, as a matter of fact, it does.
This is the last curmudgeony post, I promise. If I have to bust into a nursing home and get a B12 shot I will turn the cranky tone of this blog around.
Where else can you vent if not on your blog? You are among friends, do what you need to do. I feel for you on the insomnia. I never had much of a problem with it until a couple years ago and couldn’t figure out what was happening when it really set in. For me, it turns out it is directly linked to my prescription decongestants. I can’t do anything about it when I am awake at 3 am, but when it starts at least I now know to not make it go night after night after night anymore.
I so relate!!! It’s almost a startle reflex. Drifting to sleep and mindless of the worries of the world, then suddenly – you’re irrevocably awake. In fact, I was there just last night. I can tie mine into stress and occasionally
‘that time of the month.’ 🙂 Nap well, friend.